Monday, April 29, 2020
We have opened up to summer camps while following protocol for the virus including face covering, hand washing, as well as social distancing. The hours are now from 8am-5:30pm Monday through Friday. If you are interested or have any questions please sign up of our Facebook page or call the club at (719) 589-5252.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
We continue to operate from 7am-6pm for children of essential workers. We have had a low demand for this service but believe that being there for those who need us most is the purpose of our work. We are distributing snacks and activity packs and our online activities are seeing more and more engagement. We are seeing an increase in the number of families interested in stay-at-home events that provide meals and ask that folks participate in either our Positive Action curriculum or Census2020 work. If you are interested in any of these services, please sign up on our Facebook or call the Club at (719) 589-5252.
Wednesday, April 7, 2020
We now have a handwashing station available to folks who may not have access to running water in order to help follow CDC recommendations for all of our community. We are proud to announce that beginning Monday we will offer the opportunity for support for children of Essential Service Workers on a limited basis. For those interested in utilizing these services we ask that you send an email inquiry to director@bgcslv.org and fill out this request.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Our staff is doing an amazing job of doing hourly content for our members, making up great activity bags filled with a week's worth of stuff, doing outreach for the 2020Census, and providing snacks and lunches for our community. It is truly a sight to see all these pieces come into motion for our youth and families.
What I am most excited about is the training and preparation happening for Emergency Childcare. We will be taking our first participants starting Thursday. Our staff have received no small amount of training and support and are really excited for this to start. Please fill out his form to see if you are qualified.
Friday, March 27, 2020
We are proud to announce that beginning Monday we will offer the opportunity for support for children of Essential Service Workers on a limited basis. For those interested in utilizing these services we ask that you send an email inquiry to director@bgcslv.org and fill out this request.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Our staff are working on creating a full schedule of online activities from 10am-6pm. Keep up with our Facebook Page for updated activities. We will be providing a healthy snack between 12pm and 1pm along with distributing the remainder of the activity bags.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
We will be providing a healthy snack between 12pm and 1pm along with distributing the remainder of the activity bags. Check on our Facebook page for hourly activities with your children. It is fun for the whole family!
Watch for our updates on events Fridays and Saturdays for families and some great opportunities to participate in our Socio-Emotional Learning Cohort.
Monday, March 23, 2020
As of this morning, we have implemented our shifted program model. We distributed 75 snack bags, meeting the needs of nearly all those who expressed interest. We also distributed over 20 activity bags. We will continue to do these activities daily and have established a schedule to ensure that we are providing interactive online activities throughout the day. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for activities and information.
As many of you are undoubtedly aware, we had our first two cases of COVID-19 in the SLV confirmed today. We expect dozens more in the coming weeks.
Friday, March 20, 2020
We have made the difficult decision to shift our programming to an online and pick-up model beginning March 23-April 17th
We have worked hard to listen to our community needs and are ready to step into action:
Creating Activities/ Weekly boxes with activities and supplies for families that can be picked-up
Preparing snacks in to-go bags that families can pick up at the Club (coordinating with food Bank and others)
Creating online activities and supports (Facebook Live, Google Hangouts, Wii and PS4 activities)
Providing distribution for Free and Reduced Breakfast & Lunch with our local school district and food bank
Our staff are dedicated to our mission and energized more than I have ever before seen them. We all will continue to meet our purpose in an evolving world.
We are fully aware that this is a time of confusion and are doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to support those who need us most. Keep up to date on our website and stay tuned to our Facebook page as we continue to engage young people in innovative and invaluable ways.
Effective Thursday, March 19, 2020
Through many difficult conversations, we are choosing to CLOSE TO MEMBERS effective Thursday, March 19-Friday, March 20. We will use these two days to assess and develop innovative models to best serve our youth and community. Stay tuned for updates and follow our page www.bgcslv.org
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
We are open only to members who signed up for the trip to Monarch. Those members will take local trips to parks and recreation areas. We have chosen to retain the sign-up only status for these local trips. A decision will be made by noon today concerning our status for Thursday and Friday.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Our trip to the Sand Dunes is happening. We are limiting participant numbers and continue to monitor for illness. All of our office and administrative staff are working remotely as of today and in-person meetings are being shifted to Zoom or other remote meetings.
We continue to stay in touch with Public Health and our local school districts and will be ready to enact our contingency plan when anything changes.
We are shifting our trips on Wednesday from Monarch to local field trips with limits on participants to those already signed up.
Monday March 16, 2020
As we begin our spring break we wanted to keep you up to date on our responses to COVID-19 concerns. We are still open Mon-Wednesday for TRIPS ONLY limiting our total number to those who have signed up previously. We will keep updating this group daily.
We will adjust our programs to stay within the SLV to minimize exposure concerns.
Our administrative team will continue to meet regularly and follow the lead of local school districts and the advice of our Public Health agencies to follow best practices while still supporting our youth and families.
Any scheduled program with outside groups (i.e., family night) is currently being rescheduled or postponed. Please stay tuned for specifics.