Crisis Resources in Response to Tragedy

The Club Q shooting is impacting our communities in many ways. The Boys & Girls Club is particularly aware of how events like these can affect children, parents, and families. Even when violence is far away, we still hear about it, and so do the kids and teens in our communities.
They may not voice their concerns, but they will often have them and not realize how to articulate their fears and needs. It is vitally important that parents, guardians, and community leaders have the tools they need to help our kids find their way through the often chaotic thoughts and emotions they may be experiencing.
Online resources are a good way to educate and prepare. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) is a very good place to start. Take a look at their Mass Violence Resources page here:
Be sure to bookmark their site, as it contains a number of resources parents and community leaders may need.
If you are personally affected by these events, we encourage you to reach out to SAMHSA at:
or, Call or text the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and counseling.
If you find yourself needing more resources, please reach out to our Case Manager via our website:
Other San Luis Valley Mental Health Services include:
The San Luis Valley Behavioral Health Group
SLV Health Behavioral Health Services
You can also dial 988 to reach the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:
Violence against any of us affects all of us. No one should be forced to live in fear and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community in the steadfast belief that everyone has the right to live healthy, happy, and safe lives.