Get READY for RESET Week!

Reset Week allows our Youth Develop Professionals the opportunity to deep clean & prepare our Facility for Fall, After-School programming. It also provides our dedicated staff time to research & map out quality programs for the upcoming sessions!
Alamosa & Antonito will RESET the Week of August 15th! Sierra Grande will RESET the Week of August 1st!
The Club is CLOSED to Members and No Programs are offered during Reset Week!
Keep an eye on our Calendar, Newsletter, and Website for information on current and future programming, fun facts, and links about holidays, community events, and other ideas that can help our valley youth and teens Learn, Engage, and Grow!
Looking for things to do during Reset Week?
Check Out these Local and Web-based Resources for Ideas and find other links on our Parent Portal Web-Page!
Discover all sorts of Books & Youth Services at the Alamosa Library!
Explore Youth Sports & Other Activities at the Alamosa Family Rec Center!
Follow the Colorado Museum Trail Locally or Across the State!
Get OUTSIDE with Generation Wild!
Discover the Universe with NASA's Kids Club!