Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Adventure takes engaging with nature to new heights! Not only do our members have a lot of fun on these trips, but they also have opportunities to learn about nature, wildlife, survival skills, conservation, and stewardship.
Outdoor Adventure
can also happen INSIDE!

Outdoor Adventure Trips may vary based on seasons, weather, and
availability of facilities & resources. We may change plans due to
circumstances beyond our control.
At all times we strive to give our members a safe, educational, and fun adventure experience.
See below for expectations, required authorizations, and equipment
your child will need forthese awesome activities!
Expectations for Trip Sign-Ups
These expectations are in place to make the sign-up process as fair as possible. Please be respectful and follow each explanation.
Sign-ups are REQUIRED for Outdoor
Adventure Trips!
Parents/Guardians MUST BE PRESENT when signing up
for a trip.
therefore ...
Members CANNOT sign up by themselves or have staff members sign up for them.
Any member attending a trip will be required to wear a seatbelt and practice safe bus riding rules.
This means that ...
If a member is not acting appropriately on the buses, they may be required to take a break before going on additional trips.
Members can only sign-up for ONE TRIP PER WEEK. This ensures as many members can attend as possible.
This means ...
If a member is signed-up for more than one trip per week, they will attend the first trip they are signed-up for and their name will be taken off all other trips for that week.
See Below for additional Requirements!